We bought cigs
2023年3月21日火曜日 13:03 by [ - Junko - ]Tags [ - Rants - ]
we don’t need to be told how much of a failure we are, we know.
we don’t need to be guiltripped and be told how easy it is to drop an addiction like that. it is not easy.
we wish we weren’t so dependent, but we are.
we are a failure. but we needed it.
we are gonna end up being dead anyways, why bother with things like this.
There is a lot to live for, to look forward to, staying anxious over cancer sticks won't help any of us, we should just toughen up and stop being so weak.
it is what it is. call ourselves failure if you want, am inclined to agree.
I know it's hard but yes, we are a failure. Only after we drop it, we will stop being one.
we'll always be a failure, no matter what we do or accomplish.