Actual updates
2023年5月9日火曜日 15:20 by [ - Junko - Alicia - Anuma - ]Tags [ - Tech - Gardening - Esoteric - Productivity - Updates - ]
ahhh… it’s been a while, hasn’t it? this has been a rocky month, lots of work was put into class projects, lots of progress were made, and during this last week we’ve just been handling ourselves without our laptop as we were at our partner’s house.
actually, made me think about how i’m not really that comfortable when i’m just able to use my phone. for starters smartphones is a tech that i don’t particularly like, but for something as intrusive and needed in
[Jun] Dotfiles progress
dotfiles have been coming along pretty well! it’s pretty safe to say that they are 85% done, only things left are ironing out the deployment and cleaning up my personal data (since there are utilities like deadname remover or weather) to not doxx myself on the internet.
the setup will be able to be completely deployed and installed from a single org text file, using a separate repo to gather some system images and fonts.
[Jun] New website structure and pronoun page
for the last while, we’ve been wanting to add more features to the blog, making it now an actual webpage. the index page is now a landing page with contact information like matrix, fediverse, mail and the actual blog, along with a new set of pages, the about us page has become the pronoun page!
the page is made in hard html instead of being published as it from an org file to have more control for the layout. it’s just a very simple set of files made out of tables and some svg icons i’ve gathered online from free sources. it’s modeled to look kind of like, since it has support for system members.
i’m very happy with how it turned out, although i’m thinking about making changes on the css to have the main pronoun page be wider.
[Anu] Keeping up with tasks
Not only we were able to improve our daily self care inmensely, we started picking up better habits and other routines along the way. It helped us a lot to go through class projects, and we ended up slaying way ahead of our deadlines. Not to get ahead of what the others got to say about these, but we are very proud of the progress we’ve made. This June we are hoping to pick japanese studies back up, and work on better eating habits.
[Ali] Classes
Let me elaborate. We are on our last year of classes, if all goes according to plan once the exams are done, we shouldn’t have to worry about studying anymore. We’ll just be able to focus on ourselves during the summer, and do our internship in september.
Because of how important this last year is for our life choices, since any major deviation from our plans will inmensely affect the near future, it has been a very anxiety inducing year. However, we’ve managed to do all our assignments in time, with only the exams left. We’ll have to see how that turns out, but we are hoping for the best.
[Jun] Turning autism into numbers
because of us wanting to motivate ourselves better, since we don’t seem to feel any sort of internal reward, i’ve been experimenting treating data with org using tables and gnuplot
to make graphics. using this, the plan would be to track our progress with numbers, for example number of known kanji flashcards every day or weight tracking.
hopefully we can skinner box ourselves into feeling a proper sense of progress. graphs and data will be shared in this website enventually, when we get to it.
[Ali] Comfy gardening
A couple of weeks ago I started a little garden, planted guindillas, asparragus, lettuce, eggplant, zucchini, chards and red onions.
Now, two weeks after planting, all of the garden pots have seedlings, and have grown in different sizes, some plants are smaller while others are actually getting kind of big. I’m extremely pleased with the progress and I hope we can learn a lot more about plants and gardening as we get further.
I will post updates in the blog as progress is made.
[Anu] Technomancy
Last week I decided to browse /x/
, I think I’ve browsed it a couple of times in the past but never got into it regularly, although it’s pretty fun to read sometimes. I ended up finding a thread about technomancy, about using computers in more esoteric ways, which seemed like a fun activity to get into, specially knowing that we have a lot of witch culture because of the place we were born and currently reside in.
We never really got into that stuff since well, we are pretty much a woman of science, but would lie if I said Alicia and me haven’t been at least slightly interested on it.