2023年4月1日土曜日 10:30 by [ - Alicia - ]Tags [ - Tech - Productivity - ]
A week ago in the previous post we discussed how Anuma set up our org agenda and how we were stablishing a new rutine to take better care of ourselves.
We’ve actually kept up with it! We didn’t fail a single day to do our daily tasks, and we feel better about that. This being a week ago, we feel comfortable adding a couple more tasks to the dailies.
So, after we’ve managed to advance and slay with class projects, after we started actually taking good care of ourselves, how is it our mental health is not improving? What factor outside of all this is making us feel like we do.
This last 3 to 4 days, we’ve felt our mental state deteriorate heavily, being unable to be mentally available for other people, incapable of providing certain support to others.