Music sets, bootlegs and other shenaniganry
Stripped down or remixed songs for use in sets

Nothing yet
Music sets recorded in mixxx

Demos & Training
First set of sessions, from the moment I picked mixing back up to a point I'm kinda comfortable at. Major noticeable differences from 001 to 005.


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First time using Mixxx along my actual controller from when I mixed back when I was 19. Used some random songs I liked. Really proud of some transitions in this one, other's not so much. Forgot to hit record at the start of Kept.
First time using Mixxx along my actual controller from when I mixed back when I was 19. Used some random songs I liked. Really proud of some transitions in this one, other's not so much. Forgot to hit record at the start of Kept.

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Crystal Castles only, a couple of really good song transitions. Inclined to believe JNK-002 is better. Performed both on the same day so I was already a bit tired.
Crystal Castles only, a couple of really good song transitions. Inclined to believe JNK-002 is better. Performed both on the same day so I was already a bit tired.

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My best one so far. Mixxx crashed while Attention Whore was ending and I had to later combine both parts. I think I had the right idea the way I wanted to mix in Moon Shrimp, but it was executed very poorly.
My best one so far. Mixxx crashed while Attention Whore was ending and I had to later combine both parts. I think I had the right idea the way I wanted to mix in Moon Shrimp, but it was executed very poorly.

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Almost impecable. Good music selection. Planning on a big thing for next session, may take a few days to pull off.
Almost impecable. Good music selection. Planning on a big thing for next session, may take a few days to pull off.

Discard: JNK-002.5
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A nice little fuckup. BPMs got out of hand real fast because of Doe Deer to the point I was struggling to keep up, running at aproximately 180bpm until I gave up.
A nice little fuckup. BPMs got out of hand real fast because of Doe Deer to the point I was struggling to keep up, running at aproximately 180bpm until I gave up.

Stamina (I)
So far my sessions have been around 30 minutes. I have been wanting to keep going for as long as I can. Had to stop at around 2 hours.

Stamina (I)
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Nailed some, botchered some. Update 2025-02-14: The more I listen to it, the least I like it.
Nailed some, botchered some. Update 2025-02-14: The more I listen to it, the least I like it.

Deadly tired & Extremely fucked
I don't remember much about these ones barring the fact I know I was having a mental episode at the time of performance. I don't even remember what was the episode about. Wait nevermind that, I just remembered.

Deadly tired
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Honestly? Execution wise this is my best one yet. I think I had a really, REALLY good vibe going which I sort of killed in the last song with Human After All. I'm taking this as my own callout to start planning which music I'm going to mix beforehand instead of whatever I feel at the moment. Which while onto itself is not a bad thing, and a good skill to have, I think I can do much better.
Honestly? Execution wise this is my best one yet. I think I had a really, REALLY good vibe going which I sort of killed in the last song with Human After All. I'm taking this as my own callout to start planning which music I'm going to mix beforehand instead of whatever I feel at the moment. Which while onto itself is not a bad thing, and a good skill to have, I think I can do much better.

Extremely fucked
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God fuck what is wrong with me for the love of god fucking learn to handle audio levels Junko. Way worse execution than Deadly tired. I will probably have to remake it at some point, there are too many fuckups on it to be acceptable, although is not terribly awful.
God fuck what is wrong with me for the love of god fucking learn to handle audio levels Junko. Way worse execution than Deadly tired. I will probably have to remake it at some point, there are too many fuckups on it to be acceptable, although is not terribly awful.

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This session was performed while I was extremely distressed, and extremely drunk. Generally a bad one but there are some good mixes there. Part of the music selection wasn't mine, my friend kept throwing music at me I would have to
This session was performed while I was extremely distressed, and extremely drunk. Generally a bad one but there are some good mixes there. Part of the music selection wasn't mine, my friend kept throwing music at me I would have to
and subsequently mix regardless of style, genre or bpm mismatch. It was a good practice in that sense. Way out of my comfort zone and it shows.

First set of 2025, sort of a practice & derusting set, my longest one yet. 95% of the songs are taken from dnt. Rearranged and (hopefully) improved performance. This was also the first time I actually prepared a playlist beforehand instead of feeling it. Although I ended up changing certain songs as I felt. It's all theoretically in harmony, so I all songs are on the original key.

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For my first go around in months, and for this long, it isn't that bad all in all. I think I somehow butchered every single sewerslvt song in the mix. To my defense they are very hard to loop. I'll take this as a divine signal to steer away from breakcore and witch house unless I get workable songs or make bootlegs. Holy shit, I forgot to turn off the filter effect on deck 2 like about three or four times? Stupidest mistake.
For my first go around in months, and for this long, it isn't that bad all in all. I think I somehow butchered every single sewerslvt song in the mix. To my defense they are very hard to loop. I'll take this as a divine signal to steer away from breakcore and witch house unless I get workable songs or make bootlegs. Holy shit, I forgot to turn off the filter effect on deck 2 like about three or four times? Stupidest mistake.
Performed at my friend's house, first time touching a controller in 4 to 6 years. No music I was familiar with so I had to pull some sewerslvt from soulseek. Acamar is in there too for some reason.